.CSV File Extension

csv file extension

Comma-Separated Values File

Developer: N/A
Popularity: Very Common & Highly Popular
Open with: Notepad, Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, OpenOffice Calc

What is CSV File Format?

A CSV is a comma-separated values file, which allows data to be saved in a tabular format. CSVs look like a garden-variety spreadsheet but with a . csv extension. CSV files can be used with most any spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets.

Key Features:

  • Simplicity: CSV files are easy for both humans to read and computers to process.
  • Compatibility: One of the best things about CSV is that it works well with a lot of different apps and platforms.
  • Flexibility: It can handle various data types and sizes without needing a complex structure.

You can work with and analyze data in CSV files. This is especially true when you must transfer or share a lot of information between systems.

More Information

The CSV data exchange format is extensively supported by personal, business, and scientific software. It's particularly valuable for transferring data between applications because of its simplicity and broad compatibility. CSV files are commonly used to export data from databases or spreadsheets, enabling easy data import into other software.

Common Uses:

  • Exporting data from a financial application to a customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  • Migrating survey results from survey tools to data analysis platforms.
  • Transferring contacts from email services to address organizers or other email platforms.

csv file preview in csv reader

CSV file open in 4n6 CSV Reader

CSV files are often used as an intermediary format to move data from proprietary formats (e.g., .XLSX, .ACCDB) into other applications that do not support those specific formats, thus enabling data interoperability.

Forensic Insights on CSV Files

Because CSV files are simple and easy to retrieve, they are important in the field of digital forensics. CSV files can be examined by analysts to ensure data validity, integrity, and to look for any changes made throughout the data exchange process. In a forensic investigation, CSV files are easy to analyze and validate because they are plain text files.

MIME Type text/csv
Magic Bytes NA
Signature NA
Common Applications Notepad, Microsoft Excel
Usage Inspecting data records, verifying timestamps, and checking data consistency across platforms.

In forensic investigations, CSV files—which frequently include transaction logs, contact lists, or exported data that needs to be verified—can be extremely useful as evidence.

Download the Best Software to Quickly Read and Convert CSV Files for Better Readability.

Programs That Open CSV Files

CSV files can be easily opened using various software programs across multiple platforms:


4n6 CSV Reader

4n6 CSV Reader

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

OpenOffice Calc

OpenOffice Calc




Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

Apple Numbers

Apple Numbers


LibreOffice Calc

LibreOffice Calc


CSV File Viewer apps

CSV File Viewer apps




Programs That Export Data as CSV Files

CSV is a universally recognized format for exporting data, and many applications support exporting data as CSV:

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

Google Sheets

Google Sheets

Apple Numbers

Apple Numbers



Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio

How to Organize Your CSV Files with 4n6?

Proper management of CSV files is critical, especially when dealing with large datasets. The suite of 4n6 tools can help streamline the organization and handling of CSV files:

4n6 CSV Splitter

4n6 CSV Splitter

4n6 CSV Merge

4n6 CSV Merge

4n6 CSV Viewer

4n6 CSV Viewer

Download Sample CSV Files for free

Looking for sample CSV files for testing or learning? You can download different CSV sample data sets that are great for testing tools and analyzing data. Because each file has a different number of rows and size, you can work with datasets that fit your needs.

Rows Size(kb) Format Download
10 2 csv download sample file
100 11 csv download sample file
1,000 119 csv download sample file
5,000 556 csv download sample file
10,000 1,109 csv download sample file
50,000 5,300 csv download sample file
100,000 10,600 csv download sample file
500,000 53,000 csv download sample file

Here, you can download CSV files of different sizes to explore data structures or test with various data volumes. Perfect for developers, data scientists, educators and students looking for free sample CSV files.

You can use these sample CSV files for a variety of purposes, including testing the working process of an application, learning how to work with CSV data files, or creating your own programs related to csv file management. They are excellent for both beginner and expert level data scientists and software developers. Because it may help you to experiment with different csv file sizes and datasets.

With these downloadable CSV files, you can practice data modification functions such as, filtering, sorting, and displaying large datasets. Having access to various dataset sizes allows you to recreate real-life scenarios when testing data import and export processes or developing machine learning models.

Additionally, these files ensure that your programs are optimized to handle varying data volumes, which facilitates testing and development for both small and large activities. Grab a sample CSV file now to get started on realizing your potential!