4n6 Terms of Use

Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities

Welcome to the 4n6 ! Review our terms carefully. By using our services, you agree to these terms and updates. Let's get started !

4n6 Terms Of Use

The 4n6 App website at https://4n6.app/ and its contents are copyrighted by 4n6 Solutions. Certain features may be governed by additional guidelines or terms, which will be posted in connection with those features.The present agreement is extended to include these further provisions.

These terms apply to the website, www.4n6.app, and all associated online resources, including downloads, tools, interactive areas, blogs, forums, chat rooms, discussion sites, knowledge centers, and other online media, present and future. Unless they clash with these conditions, any Medium-specific terms announced by 4n6 will be valid.

Content Ownership and Use

All content on the 4n6 App website, including text, graphics, images, audio, video, webinars, designs, advertisements, articles, user interfaces, artwork, and software (source and object code), is copyrighted by 4n6 Solutions. This includes the composition, structure, "look and feel," and placement of such material. By using the 4n6 App website, you agree to comply with all relevant intellectual property laws and notices displayed on the site.

Materials on this website may be displayed, printed, and downloaded solely for personal, non-commercial, and educational use.


Trademarks, service marks, logos, slogans, and domain names ("marks") on the 4n6 App website are either registered or common law trademarks of 4n6 US, Inc., or their respective owners. Mention of these marks does not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or partnership with 4n6. Use of these marks, including in websites, meta tags, or hidden text, requires prior written permission from 4n6 or the relevant third-party trademark owner. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Using the Website

Privacy Statement : The privacy statement of 4n6 App is subject to change at any time and governs the collection and use of your information. It is part of these Terms.

Password-Protected Areas: Access to password-protected sections of the 4n6 App website is restricted to authorized users. You agree to:

You understand that your password grants access to your account and related data, including servers and applications. 4n6 is not liable for any loss due to unauthorized use of your account. You, yourself may be liable for damages caused to 4n6 or other users from such unauthorized use. It is forbidden to use an individual's account without consent.

Feedback and Submissions: Feedback through blogs, forums, chat rooms, and other discussion sites will be public and not confidential, except for job application resumes. 4n6 may use, modify, or distribute submitted content for any purpose, including development, marketing, or promotional uses, without further notice or compensation. Exercise caution when sharing personal information.

Updates to Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Use Regulations at any time. We will notify you of any changes via email or by posting on the 4n6 App website. If you do not agree with the updated Terms, you may choose to discontinue using our services.Your continued use of the products or services following the implementation of the amended Terms will be interpreted your acceptance of them. No other amendments will be valid unless both parties have agreed in writing.

Contact Information

Address: https://4n6.app/

Email: support@4n6.app